May 13, 2024

New Fury Media

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Apple Sauce is the weirdest thing you’ll hear today – in a good way (review)

As detailed in my interview a few weeks ago, Apple Sauce is weird. REALLY weird. But sometimes, that’s what it takes to stand out from the crowd, especially if you can do it with flair. This Italian group transcends norms and reminds me of the shock value of such acts like Iwrestledabearonce and Poppy. So, as a cohesive unit, let’s see how Apple Sauce’s debut self-titled record pans out:

Apple Sauce is a culmination of tons of different sounds, with bits and pieces of djent, techno, and even baroque coming out to dazzle the listener. “18 Karat Chopz” immediately shows the breadth of Apple Sauce, with vocalist Diego Meraviglia simultaneously soaring with high notes while delivering scathing uncleans. Amidst several metal triplets are several synth sections making for a strange song composition that somehow sticks together well.

“Anaesthetics (Goodbye),” which features Ralph Salati (guitarist of Destrage), takes a wacky time signature with equally-compelling guitar riffs sprinkled about, with a nice fast-paced bridge revealing a method to the madness, closing out with a divine guitar solo.

I got a sneak peek of “Polybius” ahead of my interview with the band, and likened it to the aforementioned IWABO due to its frenetic back-and-forth nature from start to finish. “Chocolate Chivalry” had a signature “wtf” moment within its tech-y breakdown that seemingly came from nowhere; these are the intricacies that make me come back to songs like this.

“Sausages & Pears” keeps in naming theme, and really lays the autotune on thick. What this song lacks in melody in its verses, it makes up for in sheer brutality, proving Apple Sauce can be as heavy as the rest. The major key in “That Bird” is a hidden pleasure, giving me the same goosebumps that The Contortionist’s “Flourish” does. Again diverse in structure, the synth will barrage listener’s ears from left to right while the drum fills satisfy even the most weathered metal fans.

Continuing the quirky song titles, “Miky Mouse Slaughterhouse” actually made me laugh out loud with a coughing section followed by a cavalcade of bouncy sound effects in its outro. “Orfeo” is grandiose in its second half and gave me a chill at the last high note near the end.

A phenomenal feat, “Cumblast!” is one long guitar solo/riff that shows the curvaceous chops of the instrumentalists of Apple Sauce. As great as the vocals in the band are, this is my favorite track off Apple Sauce, one worthy of putting on repeat and maybe even charting on Clone Hero.

“Silence, Please” is a piece of mystique, opting for the more light, somber side of Apple Sauce. This culminates into closer “Yoni,” a seven-minute song that gets jazzy, groovy, and everything in-between as a climactic finale for the LP.

Apple Sauce definitely isn’t for everyone, but the target audience will find a lot of enjoyable tunes from this one. It’s oozing with talented musicianship, and I can only imagine what the band would sound like with big-budget production to enhance the potential from this young act.

Apple Sauce releases Friday, September 11th.

Score: 8.5/10

A press copy of Apple Sauce was provided courtesy of Famined Records.

New Fury Media