Money In The Bank
Rosemont, IL
July 17th, 2011
This had some solid spots throughout but just went way too long. Everyone had their moments though and mostly looked good throughout it but tightening this up some would have helped greatly.
3.5 / 5
None of the moves here looked good and no one including commentary even cared.
.5 / 5
God this dragged on forever even at just 6 minutes. Two big guys past their prime at this point have a slow slug fest.
.5 / 5
A really fun Money In The Bank minus the winner. A lot of fun spots here and general chaos with everyone involved. Not the best MITB but an enjoyable one none the less.
3.75 / 5
A really solid match between these two as you’d expect. Smart in ring story being told with Randy losing the belt to DQ. I’m not huge on that rule but here it made sense because of the story. They kept the pace going throughout here and had a fun match.
3.75 / 5
A fantastic match and one of / if not the best match of either mens career. The crowd was red hot throughout and hanging on all the counters, close calls, and kick outs. This is a match that had all the elements lined up perfectly for it to deliver and turn into a classic match that will be remembered forever.
5 / 5