May 14, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Watch a full Cave In set from 1999, courtesy of hate5six

We’re not going to waste your time with semantics here. Cave In are one of the most important bands in the development of metalcore, especially on their 1998 album Until Your Heart Stops. Though the band hasn’t released a proper album in years, they remain a venerated and essential part of the history of metalcore – while boldly going in new directions with subsequent releases like Jupiter and Antenna.

A full, live set of Cave In from February 1999 has surfaced, thanks to hate5six – one of the most important historians of the hardcore and metal scenes. We’ll likely be making any excuse to plug his Patreon campaign, because anyone who can film full sets of important, influential bands is someone we think you should support. Though in this case, it was a video that was restored instead. The set was a few months before the band’s shift to less metalcore-oriented and more space-rock experimentation on their 1999 EP, Creative Eclipses.

Rest in power, Caleb Scofield. We highly recommend contributing to his memorial fund right here.

New Fury Media