Trophy Eyes sells out Melbourne’s Forum for a legendary evening

By Olivia Burns


Up until now, if you were to have seen a Trophy Eyes show, you would have seen them grinding away at intimate venues or opening for other artists, however on this tour you will be seeing them on the big stage headlining their own massive tour. The Melbourne based band had a sold out show ahead of them at Melbourne’s iconic venue, the Forum. Their latest album ‘Suicide and Sunshine’ was a big hit last year and one of my top albums of 2024 so I was excited to see a few of the new tracks live. It’s a packed line up with Boston Manor all the way from the UK and Adelaide’s Towns.

Pop punk band Towns have been getting on some big lineups and they slotted right in well on this lineup. I have seen them a few times recently, and everytime they keep getting better along with their fan base growing in size, showing up early to show their support. The singer/guitarist and drummer/singer duo excel in getting the crowd

Next up was Boston Manor, I had seen them last year when they co-headlined with Movements and they were a highlight of mine, so I was excited to be able to see them again. I couldn’t think of any other band better to warm up the crowd even more. With songs like SONG and their oldest hit that they currently play live and one of my personal favourites ‘Halo’. They did well in encouraging the crowd to get involved by

As Italian music started up over the loudspeakers and the lights started to change, silhouetted figures started walking up on stage and the crowd cheered with excitement.

They started off the night with ‘Sydney’.  It was so great hearing a mix of older classic songs and some off their newer album. We were also treated to a live performance of their latest single ‘Enmore’ which everyone had already had the words memorised. 

Intermission was filled by lead singer John Floreani thanking everyone for coming to support them at their show. He also spoke on how important art is and we must look after it and nurture it. This sentiment definitely rings true at the moment with alot of festivals or shows cancelling lately, but you would not have guessed this with the packed out room we had! 

The band as a whole worked cohesively together and looked like they truly belonged on the big stage, the crowd was lively, continuously filled with crowd surfers, people on others shoulders and everyone screaming along with the lyrics with hands in the air. 

A highlight from the night was when they played ‘Epilogue’, in those moments when they left it up to the crowd to fill in the vocals, you could really hear the passion behind the fans. 

It was so wholesome to witness everyone showing up for this band, they truly deserve every bit of success that is coming their way.They’ll be finally hitting international waters, which has been very long awaited for overseas fans as they had yet to do an overseas tour. They will be heading out on a UK/EU tour with their friends Boston Manor.


Photo Gallery : Trophy Eyes – Forum Theatre (08.31.2024)

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