tng brings the Philippines post-hardcore scene to life with exciting new EP, ‘indefinite feelings’

Post-hardcore, emo, and post-rock scenes aren’t exclusive to any one location in the world. Not surprisingly, the Philippines has plenty of their own to offer. Already with a rich tradition of music across the spectrum (the nu-metal legends Slapshock, newcomers ORCA and Lostthreads, the eclecticism of Urbandub), ignoring this country’s contribution to music is rather foolish. While Japan and South Korea often receive most of the love for rock and metal bands in East // Southeast Asia, the Philippines are the #12 most populated country in the world, so clearly there’s a lot of potential talent waiting to be found across the spectrum.

You can add TNG (stylized as tng) to that list. While often tagged with the screamo // scramz label, tng prefers to not limit themselves to that singular descriptor – instead inviting a number of influences into their sound and passion. Not surprisingly, you’ll hear the imprint of famed Japanese screamo // post-rock legends Envy here, but also influences from like-minded bands like (early) Pianos Become The Teeth and the passion of bands like La Dispute.

With their new EP indefinite feelings (which culls a couple next tracks with some live ones), there is no better time to listen to tng than right now.

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