This Day In Music History: February 5th, 2002 – Thrice releases ‘The Illusion Of Safety’

In their nearly two decade lifespan, Thrice have run the gamut from underrated melodic hardcore punk, to experimental rock, to indie rock, and now the band’s latest work is on rock radio. And given the band’s ability to write incredible music, none of these phases have really alienated anyone.

Back in 2002, however, Thrice was begimning to find their sound. The Illusion Of Safety contains some of the band’s best lyrics, as well as speedy performances overall (“Deadbolt” and “See You In The Shallows” are particular standouts). And while I’m not sure it’s better than Vheissu, an argument can be made that TIOS is the band’s best album.

That doesn’t really matter, though. The Illusion Of Safety is as important now as it was when it released. Revisit it below, and if you’re somehow listening to it for the first time, you’re in for a treat.


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