Geena Fontanella rocks Emo’s with energetic and engaging set on “Mirror Tour” (Show Review)

By Britne Goldstein   On July 31st, 2023, Emo’s in Austin, Texas was the epicenter of an electrifying night filled with musical magic as the “Mirror Tour” headlined by Lauren Spencer Smith kicked off with a fiery opening act by the immensely talented Geena Fontanella. The young singer-songwriter brought her infectious energy and captivating stage…

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Jake Wesley Rogers delivers a scorching performance at Sips & Sounds Summer Music Festival (Show Review)

By Britne Goldstein   The sweltering heat of Austin, Texas did little to deter the enthusiastic crowd at the Sips & Sounds Summer Music Festival on July 29th, 2023. As the sun rose high in the sky, promising no respite from the scorching 100-degree weather, the stage came alive with the mesmerizing presence of the…

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