MLW “Burning Crush” (02.17.2024) (Wrestling Review)

MLW Burning Crush Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Feb. 17th, 2024   Six Man Tag Team Match Griffin McCoy, TJ Crawford & Tony Deppen vs. Nolo Kitano & Wasted Youth (Austin Luke & Marcus Mathers) This was a fine 6 man opener. Everyone got their spots in and kept the action going.  2.5 / 5 Four Way Match Delmi Exo vs. Notorious Mimi vs. Tiara James vs. Zayda (w/Brett Ryan Gosselin) This was fine. Nothing…

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MLW Fusion – Episode 188 (10.26.2023) (Wrestling Review)

MLW Fusion Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  Oct. 26th, 2023   Singles Match Jesus Rodriguez (w/Salina de la Renta) vs. Ichiban This was fine, passable at best. Mediocre action and under 5 minutes.  2 / 5 World Historic Welterweight Title Match Rocky Romero (c) vs. Volador Jr. This was most of the match, a 25 minute highlight reel that more or so less…

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MLW Fusion – Episode 148 “Rise Of The Renegades” (06.09.2022) (Wrestling Review)

MLW Fusion “Rise Of The Renegades” Dallas, Texas June 9th, 2022   Mexican Strap Match Aramis vs. Gino Medina A 5 minute mess. Way too much interference even for it being a lumberjack match and the ref was made to look too stupid.  1 / 5 MLW Caribbean Heavyweight Title Match Octagon Jr. (c) vs. Matt Cross This was just…

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