This Day In Music History: October 13th, 2003 – Funeral For A Friend explodes with ‘Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation’

Unless you played a lot of Burnout 3 growing up, it was somewhat unlikely that (if you were living in the USA, anyway) you were a day 1 fan of Funeral For A Friend. But in England, Wales, and Europe in general, there was a post-hardcore storm brewing in 2003. Much like their American counterparts…

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Into Oblivion: Revisiting Funeral For A Friend’s underrated 2007 record, “Tales Don’t Tell Themselves”

Certain albums often have interesting backstories, as well as compelling reasons to listen, despite being flawed. In the span of just over a decade, post-hardcore fan favorites Funeral For A Friend released a number of influential albums, especially the one-two punch of Casually Dressed… and Hours. While they sadly disbanded a couple years ago, their…

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On ‘Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation’, Funeral For A Friend created a post-hardcore debut for the ages

Released in October of 2003, Funeral For A Friend’s debut full-length Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation is one of the most prominent post-hardcore albums of the early 2000s. The band’s metallic tendencies were tempered with emo and even pop-punk influences (see album opener “Rookie Of The Year” for proof), making for a relatively diverse…

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