SMLE Release​ Long Anticipated “REASONS TO​​​​​” EP​​​

Enigmatic producers SMLE have been consistently releasing a collection of beautifully crafted electronic songs that blend orchestral arrangements, soul, and beats in a way unique to their own sonic palate. They’ve now, at last. unveiled the last two tracks off their Reasons To​ EP.

​”And Laugh,” and “Breakfast Is Ready” complete the collection. With previously released singles like “Every Chance You Get”, a high energy fusion of live instrumentation with drums, synths, guitar, keys, and more, creat​e a powerful genre-bending atmosphere that refuses to be pigeonholed into a single genre.

“Our ‘Reasons To’ EP is designed to be a getaway from an industry that can often at times be negative & hateful. This EP gives you 6 reasons to overlook the negativity and embrace positivity in your life. Welcome to the world of SMLE”

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“It’ll Be Okay” is an uplifting, funky, and all around feel good single. Helen Tess lends​ her sweet vocals to this summertime love song, while the pair paint a soundscape that will put a smile on your face.
“With Me,” features vocals from Hype Turner & Mary Ellen, and is a captivating cut that singularly fuses their powerful synthesis of electronic and R&B elements, for a heavy dose of smoky rhythms. ​
Now ​​”And Laugh” and “Breakfast Is Ready” round it all out for many more Reasons To – SMLE. Heavily focused on live instrumentation, chord progressions, heavy synths, and future bass, these two certainly prove SMLE’s creative prowess when it comes to making truly unique music.
The pair have been steadily creating an internet fanbase that is an accurate build-up to the project as a whole that touches on a plethora of genres and homegrown sounds that come together to form something exclusive to SMLE.
Reasons To EP 
1. Every Chance You Get
2.  It’ll Be Okay (Ft. Helen Tess)
3. And Laugh 
4. With Me (Ft. Hype Turner & Mary Ellen)
5. Breakfast Is Read​y

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