May 5, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Slipknot’s Corey Taylor wants you to know what he thinks about Alice In Chains

We know you’re dying to know Corey Taylor’s opinion on everything under the sun, but luckily this is one that is almost universal. Seriously, who doesn’t love Alice In Chains? One of grunge’s leading lights, the band is beloved by basically all fans of rock and metal music – and even beyond.

Helpfully transcribed by Blabbermouth, Taylor had plenty to say about Alice In Chains at a recent appearance in Columbus, Ohio (during a question and answer session):

“It has to be ALICE IN CHAINS. ALICE IN CHAINS, to me, is one of the greatest rock bands that ever was. And I don’t just mean that from a grunge standpoint or metal or anything like that. They revolutionized so much musically and they inspired me to change the way I write music. I mean, full stop, period, the end of sentence.

And when discussing AIC even further, Taylor had plenty to say about the late Layne Staley and the way that music can bring darkness to light:

But ‘Nutshell’ is such an outpouring of trying to share with you the darkness that’s in his heart. And even though you’re hearing it, it’s so light, you’re just, like, ‘Fuck. Where is he?’ And we never knew. And that’s the great tragedy of people like Layne. It’s not just Layne, obviously; there’s so many people that came from that generation of artists. The pain they dealt with — some of them won, some of them didn’t. But the great thing is that we can listen to their music and it can help us get past our own pain. And there’s probably not a day that goes by that I don’t listen to ALICE IN CHAINS. It’s still just that good. And the fact that I know those guys now is just icing on the cake. It’s rad to be able to hang out with your favorite band.”

Taylor is probably saying what most of us feel. What an incredible and influential band.

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