May 6, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Show Review : Slothrust – Lincoln Hall (04.21.2022)

Slothrust brought Calva Louise along on their “Parallel Timeline Tour” for a week night of alt rock that brought the crowd to cheers.

Kicking off the show was UKs Calva Louise making their Chicago debut. After watching this band perform this is why you always show up early for a show even if you don’t know the bands. The band put on what will likely be on my year ends list for top performances. Leaning into more of a hard alt rock sound but mixing endless genres across each song the band made a room full of people turn into instant fans even so much to call for an encore. Be it songs in Spanish, rap verses, metal screams and breakdowns, or everything in between guitarist / vocalist Jess Eastwood dominated the stage with the charisma of a veteran act. This may be the first time I’ve caught this band but I sure hope it isn’t the last.

Closing out was the band of the evening, Slothrust. Kicking it off with a fantastic instrumental number guitarist / vocalist Leah Wellbaum owned the stage and the crowd from the first second with a grasp that was never released during their set. With a setlist spanning their entire catalog but focusing on their latest release the crowd sang and rocked along.

Slothrust is clearly on a upward path which is fantastic. Watching the band I can only feel like they are bringing back the vibes of bands like Hole with their mixture of sounds intertwined together. With the band announcing a UK tour this summer if you have any chance to catch this tour or the band its a must see.


New Fury Media