Rock The Park – The Festival For A Good Cause


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Some of the best in-state musicians donated their time and talent for a good cause over Memorial Day weekend in Sims Park. The free event, which was held in New Port Richey’s Sims Park, showcased bands like Sunshine and Bullets (who I swear get better every time I see them), Dropshot, and Stonegrey, Fight Another Day.

An auction of sports memorabilia and plenty of other items were given away – the proceeds of which went mostly to the Center for Independence, a nonprofit organization that offers housing, day care, transportation and other services to the developmentally disabled in Pasco County.

The festival organizer, Sean Kline, also mentioned in a Tampa Bay Times article that “the organization has “been around for close to 50 years in Pasco but not a lot of people know about it,”‘. Sean made the festival happen all by himself.

Good music for a good cause. How can you beat that?


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