Porter Robinson: A Small Piece Of Unity


Porter Robinson is one of the youngest stars of the EDM and rave scene – a magically unique producer and quite “kawaii” if you ask me. Starting from electro house and dubstep influences, this Los Angeles based producer has wowed the rave scene across the planet. His WORLDS tour forever changing the dynamic of how we view electronic dance music shows, by calling out unruly attendees, and showing us again how to have love and truth within our scene. I was lucky enough to attend the the WORLDS tour show in Pomona, CA, and let me tell you, it was a truly unique and uplifting experience. There’s not a single show in my life that could emulate or replace or mimic that show. It was so immersive and unique to its music the story he was trying to tell – or rather the concept he was trying to convey was really present.

Article by: Jeremy Simons

With such powerful songs as Divinity (featuring Amy Millan), Sad Machine, Sea of Voices, Lionhearted (featuring Urban Cone), and Years of War (featuring Breanne Düren and Sean Caskey),
this album is wonderful and embracing, despite this late review. Porter is a force to be reckoned with and is delightfully talented. Albeit mysterious, when he withdraws to write and produce a new album. I’m sure you’ll all enjoy Worlds. Especially if you enjoy anime and Japanese candy, because this album drips with a cuteness and edge that only one can find in manga and OVAs.


I wholeheartedly give him a 10/10 for everything he’s accomplished with his young age, and if he hits a show or festival near you, much like the Coachella festival that just hit Indio, CA, this past weekend, I recommend that you buy a ticket in advance because they sell out quite quick due to his large cult following.

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If you like what you hear, be sure to purchase Worlds right here.

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