Our Hollow, Our Home deliver more solid melodic metalcore with new single, “Burn In The Flood”

Our Hollow, Our Home have made a bright career out of their brand of melodic metalcore. While not necessarily a groundbreaking sound, what the band has done on their two full-lengths to date is pretty impressive – in fact, you could probably compared OH,OH to a band like Bury Tomorrow in terms of their consistency.

That makes the band’s new single, “Burn In The Flood”, another notable song in that it still continues the band’s streak of being fully independent. When you consider how difficult it is for many metalcore bands to make their mark in a crowded genre of music, it’s even more impressive. Give “Burn In The Flood” a spin below.

Guitarist/vocalist Tobias Young had this to say of the track.

“‘Burn In The Flood’ has drummed up some of the most intense anticipation we’ve ever witnessed for an OHOH drop! We’ve been building the hype and teasing our fans for so long, we thought it was only fair to bring out the single early. 2020 has been a massive struggle for us as musicians and our fans, who have had their experience of seeing live music, ripped from them. ‘Burn In The Flood’ is about overcoming adversity and fighting your way out of an overwhelming situation. I think this is something we can all reflect on after the year we had.”

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