April 30, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

NOM∀DIC takes a unique approach to their album delay

Finding NOM∀DIC in my music search was like finding a diamond in the rough. This metal act transcends genres and has a presentation like no other, as, from their logo to their recent singles’ artwork, the band values every facet of their captivation.

Upon speaking to them, I’ve learned of their plan to release their newest album, Euphoria. While most bands release a few singles ahead of a big album, NOM∀DIC is doing things differently. They plan to release a song off the album every two weeks, each with their own artwork, until every track has been unveiled by July 10th.

NOM∀DIC jumped to the top of my list of anticipated bands upon my first listens of their recent pieces, “I’ve Known You for So Long but Know Nothing About You” and “I Would Get Lost in You Forever If You’d Let Me”. The band takes the best bits of Veil of Maya’s riffs, Deafheaven’s thrash, and The Faceless’ storytelling/immersion, and comes out with a fresh take on modern metal, enough to not be confined in one genre.

As seen above, the next song, set to release on April 17th, is “You’re Making a Joke With Your Friends and Suddenly You Realize You’re Going To Die”, which centers around the themes of death/anxiety. This will feature Courtney LaPlante of Spiritbox, another great, unique band. Keep NOM∀DIC in your mind, as they are set to explode with this brilliant first LP!

New Fury Media