May 13, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

INTERVIEW: James Lewis of NOM∀DIC on perfecting “Euphoria” and how a blue jay changed his life


NOM∀DIC’s Euphoria is my current album of the year for 2020. A breath of fresh air for the genre of metal, it’s purposeful, perfectly-executed, and a thrill ride with a memorable climax. Originally slated to release in April, James Lewis decided to release a song from the album every two weeks leading up to July 10th, with brilliant art for each piece. Watching Euphoria unfold in this fashion gradually got me beyond excited for the final product, and it delivered. I had the chance to speak to James with some big questions about the release.

The New Fury: What prompted the step up in the visual aspect of Nomvdic for Euphoria?
James Lewis: 
Our designer since the inception of this band is, always has been, and always will be Nick Marzluf of NM Design and Media. We worked with Nick very closely to have the visuals match the feelings that the record gives off. We had a different piece of artwork for each single, all under the umbrella of the larger scope of Euphoria. We’d bounce ideas around, sometimes I’d let Nick just run with how a track felt and would craft the artwork based around it. It was very important to me that the visuals created an atmosphere for the listener before going into the record.

TNF: It was mentioned in a previous stream that you’ve been sitting on the songs for almost 2 years, how does it feel to wait for the world to hear it?
James: At times it was excruciating dude. However, I knew everything had to be perfect with the release, like I wanted everything to be done precisely and intentionally and without a lot of interruption. So, I don’t regret the time – but I definitely desperately wanted people to hear the record, and it’s such a relief that it’s out.

TNF: “Blue Jay” is your favorite track and serves as the album’s climax. What does this song mean to you?
Dude not only is it my favorite to listen to, but also I gotta tell ya, the whole concept of the album would just be completely null without this song. Like, the entire bridge to ending section is basically saying “here’s the concept of the album” haha. To answer the question though, let me answer a different question and tell you why it’s called “blue jay”. In 2017 I was at my lowest of lows. My outlook was so bleak that the world around me had lost all beauty and color, everything was gray. During my worst moment, I was driving my car and day dreaming about my death when suddenly a blue jay flew on the ground in front of me while I was stopped at a light. It was so vibrantly blue and beautiful that color shot out of it, restoring the world around it. It made me cry and realize the beauty in the world despite my pain. The song “blue jay” comes out of the rubble of a bleak nihilistic breakdown at the end of the 9th song, “_______//“, (shout out Gamby) and aims to restore color to the grey of giving up, like the blue bird did for me. The blue jay represents Euphoria to me.

TNF: Are there any Euphoria B-sides or more immediate song ideas?
James: YES. There are B-sides. This is all I’ll say for now. Just keep your eyes peeled.

TNF: What are your current dream bands to tour with?
James: I’d LOVE to tour with bands like Oathbreaker, Deafheaven, Warforged, and Kardashev. I also think the direction of the last two The Devil Wears Prada albums suit our sound as well, so it would be so cool to tour with them. Also, Sleep Token, Code Orange, and Gojira are like my favorite bands, AND I heard Job for a Cowboy is coming back. Not to mention incredible bands like Rivers of Nihil and The Contortionist. Honestly, any combination of any of the above.

We thank James for giving his time and correspondence to the release of Euphoria with New Fury so devotedly. In return, we urge you to listen to this record if you haven’t.


New Fury Media