Impact Wrestling
Against All Odds
Columbus, Ohio
June 9th, 2023
Decent opening match. Both women looked fine and at 5 minutes it didn’t drag.
2 / 5
Dango just feels off, like he isn’t really doing much of anything. This was a fine match but never felt like it had any importance.
2.5 / 5
Good opening match as expected given both men are vets here. Alisha’s involvement here worked well but the ending just felt a bit sloppy.
3 / 5
A really solid tag team match. Ace and Bey are smooth as a team and it shows. The Good Hands are good too when they have a better team to face.
3.5 / 5
A tough stipulation match to do great. This just didn’t do it though for me. It had some okay spots but felt like a short and tame end to the feud. No blood either in a match like this always feels weird.
1.5 / 5
This was a great match. Miguel trying to avoid Sabins move so Sabin had to improvise to get it done was great. The cheating tactic here worked and Sabin will be a great champ.
4 / 5
The 8 man tag of this was basic and uninspired. The final 4 way of this was action filled but just okay. It was quick in both sections and never really anything great.
2 / 5
Deonna and Trinity looked fine here. This was just the most basic tag match though.
2.5 / 5
A really fun street fight hardcore match. Felt like a good end to the feud and had a lot of big moments.
4 / 5
This was super slow until the last few minutes. Figured Shelley would win as they hyped his long career never holding a main title. This was a fine match but Shelley as champ just isn’t interesting at all.
3 / 5