How to Write a Movie Critique

Are you a college student, and you are stuck with your college essay assignment to write a movie critique? As a college student, writing essays is part of your school curriculum, but what happens when it comes to writing a movie critique?

At first glance, maybe you are excited because it involves movies, but then you realize that’s not all there is to writing movie critique then you just get stuck in-between, not knowing where to start.

However, suppose you are a type of student that doesn’t have the passion for writing or doesn’t have the time and dedication to write a movie critique. In that case, you can give your essay assignment to professional academic writers from and get your professional essay written for you by custom writing services you can trust online.

Don’t fret. We are here for you. To provide you with the necessary guidance you need to achieve your result.

Movie Critique and Movie Review

Movie critique can be easily confused by many students with a movie review; they might look similar but differ from one another.

A movie review aims to discuss your impression for the viewers, while a movie critique involves objectively discussing the process of film productions and giving recommendations on what could be changed or improved to improve the movie.

To write a good movie critique requires an in-depth and critical analysis of the movie, critically examining each part of the movie, paying attention to details, and finding how it can be improved.

General Guidelines on Writing Your Movie Critique Paper

Take note while watching

The first step is choosing a particular movie you want to write about. You must watch the film several times because you can’t get all the information you need on a first watch.

It is essential to ensure that you don’t miss out on the relevant details that you take notes of while watching.

You might not necessarily take notes the first time you watch; you can do that just to get the movie’s general idea. But for other subsequent times when you are watching, pay attention to the details you plan to include in your writing and note them down, don’t depend on your memory.

Specify what you plan to analyze in your writing

You should have an outline of what you plan to discuss in your writing; it helps structure your essay and avoid unnecessary things.

For example, you can have an outline that has the following:

Start with introduction
A summary or hint of the movie
Analyze the structure, characters, and plot.
Analyze the scenes, including the camera techniques and special effects, among others
Back up your critique with detailed facts and examples from the movie
Draw your conclusion, including areas to improve on and recommendations.
Research the movie
Have a glimpse of what led to the movie’s production, and make good use of the information advantage we have on Google.

Check whether the story in the movie is based on a real-life story(probably an icon in a particular field or history) or even a book; note if there were cast changes.

Be objective in your analysis

Movie critique has often been associated with negative emotions. However, criticizing does not necessarily mean expressing negative feelings or comments.

The aim of movie critique is not just to find faults in a movie but to give an objective evaluation of every part of the movie, both the part that was done well and the ones that need improvement.

In your critique of the movie, don’t allow or give room for prejudice as it can affect your judgment of the movie. Analyze the film objectively and present a refined evaluation.

Use illustrations

Especially when presenting your opinion after evaluating the movie, use examples from the scenes, characters, and lines from the script in the film. This makes your opinion or judgment more solidified.

Key Elements to Include in Your Movie Critique Paper

Every movie has several elements you must cover when you write your movie critique paper to wrap up the story.

Below are a few essential and critical elements that must not be omitted in your paper. You will see the description of these elements and important tips on analyzing them in your paper.

The movie’s plot

The movie’s plot is what happened in the movie, the narrative flow of events and actions that leads to the outcome of the characters. It is simply how the movie story is told.

To critique the movie’s plot in your paper, you need to look at and do the following:
Identify the main elements: what kind of storytelling is present in the movie
Is the movie engaging for viewers
Observe the emotions the movie provoked
Check whether the story corresponds to the motivation of the Characters.
Observe the predictability of the plot
Express your view on whether the events were bland or shocking.
Then, define the plot as dramatic, full of twists, logical, e.t.c.
The movie’s structure
To critique the movie structure in your paper, you must observe how the movie parts are related. The movie’s structure includes the following details:
Exposition (how the characters and their stories were introduced).
The mounting tension that leads to the story’s climax
The execution of the ending.
Falling action
The resolution that brings the story to a conclusion.

The movie’s character
Also, critique the movie’s character in your paper. Characterization involves the description of characters’ motivations, beliefs, e.t.c.

You need to do the following:
Focus on the main characters with respect to their personalities.
Concentrate on specific characters that are important in the movie.
Set your priorities right.
See if the character’s appearance and actions correspond with the role it fulfills
Pay attention to how convincing the characters are.
The movie’s dialogue
Having excellent and convincing dialogues is part of what makes a great movie. Here are things you should focus on when analyzing the dialogue in your paper, which include:

Did the dialogue sound natural? A good dialogue sounds natural.
Did the conversation develop logically? Observe whether there is a logical development of the conversation.
Did the gestures go along with the dialogue? Observe the actors’ body language and note whether their actions correspond with their words.
The movie’s scene
A scene is a portion of the entire movie; various scenes make up a movie. Proper scene transition matters in what makes a good movie. To analyze the scenes in your movie critique paper, you must observe the following:
Pay attention to both the production and the acting and decide whether the scenes are well-acted by the actors.
Observe how the scenes were developed.
Examine if the scenes contain some conflict and how the characters responded to it.
Examine each scene to ensure they properly transition into the next one.
Writing a movie critique can be an exciting and fun challenge. Patiently follow through with the tips we have compiled to help write a good and professional paper writing critique.

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