Goldfinger’s iconic Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater song “Superman” has been certified Gold by the RIAA

Is Goldfinger guitarist/vocalist John Feldmann more famous for Goldfinger’s music, or Feldmann’s own extremely successful music production career? The answer is realistically “yes”, but when you consider that he’s the guy who produced albums like Story Of The Year’s Page Avenue and prominent albums by Blink-182 and The Used, it can be easy to forget that Goldfinger’s place in pop culture is also cemented. You definitely know why – “Superman” and skateboarding.

The song, of course, is one of the most iconic tracks culled from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater soundtrack. Released in 1999 as skateboarding’s mainstream popularity was exploding, “Superman” immediately became Goldfinger’s signature song – a title it holds to this day. Listening to a song about Superman is one thing. Listening to that same mega popular song while you’re trying to pull off a virtual 900 of your own? Priceless.

To say the song is still popular is an understatement. The song also joins their cover of “99 Red Balloons” as their first two singles ever to land RIAA Gold certifications. The timing couldn’t have been better for all involved.

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