It’s always a thrill to see a band return to the fold after several years. One that had escaped recent memory for me was Elitist, a progressive metalcore act that had ridiculously-satisfying fast-paced riffs dating back to “Caves” in 2010. They’re a rare breed, evoking a frantic, chaotic nature that bands of their genre didn’t regularly reach. So it’s a pleasure to see the band make a surprise comeback with “Ctrl Alt Del”.
The highly-technical form of the band is on full display, showing the group hasn’t lost a step in more than half a decade of absence. Reminiscent of Northlane’s Mesmer and ERRA’s Drift, Elitist has proven they’re capable of developing their sound for the modern age, crafting a banger that’s sure to hit plenty of playlists in no time.
Welcome back, Elitist! We can’t wait for more.