Don Broco slow it down for epic new single, “One True Prince”

England’s Don Broco slow it in their new single “One True Prince”, off their upcoming album Amazing Things. This new track shines a different light on the band as they slow their sound down creating an epic flow of drums, guitars, and vocals into a new mix. Listen to the album below and let us know what you think of their new sound.



“’One True Prince’ is about finding comfort in the fact that whatever you’re going through and however bad it may feel, nothing lasts forever. In these moments I try to remind myself how insignificant I am. Just one person amongst billions, on a rock orbiting a dying star, in a universe that will eventually implode on itself,” lead singer Rob Damiani comments.
“And when my problems are put in perspective, it’s about celebrating that despite the little time we have in this world we are still capable of creating so much beauty and happiness. We’re about to do amazing things.”

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