On ‘Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation’, Funeral For A Friend created a post-hardcore debut for the ages

Released in October of 2003, Funeral For A Friend’s debut full-length Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation is one of the most prominent post-hardcore albums of the early 2000s. The band’s metallic tendencies were tempered with emo and even pop-punk influences (see album opener “Rookie Of The Year” for proof), making for a relatively diverse…

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Built Upon The Sand: Why “Diamond” is still the crown jewel of the Stick To Your Guns discography

To me, hardcore has always been about two things – unity and brotherhood. To further that statement, hardcore has also always been about creating change through discussing (or yelling really loud) the issues that matter – whether it be racial tension and inequality, homophobia, sexual assault, or suicide, California’s Stick To Your Guns have always…

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This Day In Music History: June 20th, 2000 – Deftones release highly influential alt-metal album, ‘White Pony’

“Soon, I’ll let you go. Soon, this will be all over”. The words of the opening track off White Pony, “Feiticeira”, ring out like a statement and not merely just words. Perhaps that’s the great duality of what Deftones really brought to the table on their highly influential (and arguably magnum opus) 3rd album, White…

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