XPW “South Of Heaven” (09.30.2023) (Wrestling Review)


South Of Heaven

Newark, New Jersey

Sept. 30th, 2023


Death Match
Tarzan Duran vs. JJ Escobar

I think the whole smoking pot during the match thing is super lame. This had the few dumb crazy spots that you’d expect from JJ but just wasn’t that good. 

1.5 / 5

Singles Match
Dan Maff vs. Dirty Ron

Pretty much a squash

.5 / 5

Hardcore Match
Mickie Knuckles vs. Tessa Blanchard

This went way too long. Tessa ins’t doing a deathmatch and this was just a glorified simple brawl. 

2 / 5

XPW World Heavyweight Title Death Match
Alex Colon (c) vs. SHLAK

This was nuts. Both guys took some insane damage here and Shlak bled a ton. Mid card title match out of the blue and two of the best US guys at it. 

4 / 5

Death Match
Eric Dillinger vs. Judge Joe Dred

A super bloody match with some good spots here. Not a fan of the interference though. 

3 / 5

Death Match
Lucky 13 vs. Big Joe

This was good with some crazy spots. Joe is fantastic but Lucky 13 just never does anything for me. 

2.5 / 5

Death Match
MAGA Butcher vs. Jeff King

This was fine, super bloody, but a little lackluster. 

2 / 5

Death Match
Eric Ryan vs. Aeroboy

A solid main event here. Ryan bleeds a ton as always and is one of the best in deathmatch. 

3 / 5

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