Sounds & Scenarios turn a bad date experience into a pop-punk anthem

Boston-based group Sounds & Scenarios have just dropped their second single of the year. The new track “Trouble Will Follow” and prior release “Pink Lighter” both show the band’s knack for turning the feelings that come from personal experiences into evocative anthems, weaving together highly specific details and universal emotions.

“Trouble Will Follow” starts out more soft, echoey, and reflective, then builds and explodes into a full-blown pop-punk banger by the second chorus. With scathing and regretful lyrics like, “So let’s do ourselves a favor / And finally call it quits / Yeah all this ever was / Was a long winded mistake,” and “I wonder if you lack the self awareness / To recognize that people see right through / That deep down you know that your life’s a whole mess / And everything that goes wrong, it’s on you,” it’s clear that the song was fuelled by a particularly negative interaction.

Pulling back the curtain, vocalist Tyler Chase shares the story behind the single: “If I can be blunt, I wrote the lyrics for ‘Trouble Will Follow’ after a Hinge match had come to our release show for Cherry Blossom Season. They had drank a bunch and then rather than listening to the other bands before us, they put their headphones in and blasted Machine Gun Kelly and sang along to it really loudly. It was super rude and selfish, and I just kind of word-vomited about the experience.”

While Tyler got to exorcise the emotions that arose from this situation, every member of the band got a lot out of making this song, as it exemplifies a moment of growth for them. The rest of the band adds, “What’s special about ‘Trouble Will Follow’ is that it’s the perfect bridge between our old sound – what we’ve always been known for, really – and what’s to come. It’s heartfelt and bitter while showcasing this new heavier rock direction you’ll hear more of in the future.”

Based on that insight, keeping up with future output from Sounds & Scenarios is a no-brainer if you enjoy this new track. Give it a listen below.

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