Wrestlemania 25
Houston, Texas
April 5th, 2009
A solid opening match that was a Money In The Bank. It didn’t go for the insane spots that most these matches have and instead just did a lot of big dive moves. A safer but much less memorable thing to do honestly.
3 / 5
A horrible match that set back womens wrestling. There isn’t anything else to say about it. Lowest possible rating.
.01 / 5
Steamboat was good here for being 56 years old and would a few months later have his final WWE match. Piper and Snuka had no place being in a ring at this point.
1.5 / 5
A fine Extreme Rules match here between the Hardyz. Some good big spots here that just took a while to happen. Crowd was into it but didn’t feel like they fully liked this feud of Matt vs Jeff happening.
3 / 5
.5 / 5
A 5 star match and at this point the closest we had to thinking the streak would end. This was a classic match of two of the best ever giving it all they had in a match. They used the formula which wasn’t super common back then of kicking out a lot after a finisher which worked great here to show just how badly both wanted the win. The big spots like Taker leaping to the outside and almost landing on his neck are memorable down to little stuff like the facial expressions after a kick out. The crowd even cheered for minutes after this match that showed just how great it was.
5 / 5
A good finish but thats about it. A generic triple threat otherwise. Edge vs Cena would have been better and the title run at this point meant almost nothing.
2.5 / 5
At almost 25 minutes this was boring and the crowd didn’t care. Its such a shame given both guys are legends but this was an awful main event. It never flowed well and just no one could get into it.
1.5 / 5