WWE NXT Level Up – Episode 44 (12.16.2022) (Wrestling Review)


Level Up

Orlando, Florida

Dec. 16th, 2022


Tag Team Match
The Dyad (Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler) (w/Ava Raine) vs. Bronco Nima & Lucien Price

Didn’t really care much about this and some of the moves just looked off. 

1 / 5

Singles Match
Ivy Nile (w/Tatum Paxley) vs. Lash Legend

Lash has some good agility for her size. This was a good small vs big match. Nile held her own the entire time and locked in the finish at the last minute. 

2.75 / 5

Tag Team Match
Javier Bernal & Xyon Quinn vs. Chase U (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) (w/Thea Hail)

Classic tag style here and the crowd was behind it. I like Chase U’s finisher even if it doesn’t look entirely practical or smooth always. 

2.5 / 5

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