May 9, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Static Dress prove they’re onto something truly next-level with new single, “such.a.shame”

For UK post-hardcore band Static Dress, no stage is too big for them and few bands in their genre are on their level right now. Contrary to what some music critics will tell you, they’re not a brand new band (they’ve been around for a few years now), and the band’s musical familiarity is very reminiscent of 2000s-era post-hardcore bands – Dead Poetic is surely a key starting point when trying to describe their sound.

That’s about where the “conventional” side of the band ends, though. From directing their own music videos to having even a very unique artistic style and way of releasing music, Static Dress’s ability to break convention is serving them well, as the hype train for the band keeps rolling with each and every release. That’s about to hit a fever pitch with the announcement of their debut album out in April, as well as their new song, “such.a.shame”. It would be a real shame if you missed out on hearing it, that’s for sure.

New Fury Media