May 3, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Slaughter To Prevail release the deathcore hounds with new song, “Zavali Ebalo”

Credit: Andrew Bastion

Credit: Andrew Bastion

You probably already knew that the hype train for Russian deathcore band Slaughter To Prevail was through ghe roof at this point. Their signature song, the ultra-heavy “Demolisher”, has racked up over 13 million streams on Spotify alone, and they’ve only released one full-length album back in 2017. It’s safe to say the song put STP on the map, and with the band’s sophomore album out later this year, one can only wonder what accolades it’ll garner.

Thankfully, this isn’t a band that takes themselves too seriously. I mean, have you seen the video for “Baby Yoda” or whatever that song is called? Anyway, the band’s newest song “Zavali Ebalo” continues that hot streak, with Alex Terrible’s vocals threatening to rip the listener’s eardrums at a moment’s notice. It’s also a great introduction to the band, but don’t take our word for it – just listen.

New Fury Media