Fresh new band Skyworld release their new song “Dream Drop Distance”

Newccomers in the scene, fresh new band Skyworld have made an impressive debut with their first song. Their debut song “Dream Drop Distance” strikes a heavy chord to metalcore fans in the vein of Northlane, Erra, Architects Oceans Ate Alaska, and Invent, Animate. Skyworld hits a harmonic heavy chord with their debut song. Skyworld has also packaged their debut song with a well done music video that further captures the atmosphere of the song. I was impressed with the amount of quality and originality the band holds, while still being familiar to fans of modern metalcore. Showcasing unique songwriting, these guys are coming full force into the music scene. Skyworld captures a sound that many try to do, but only a handful successfully do it and add their own twist to the mix.

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