May 4, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Dead Bundy keeps classic pop-punk alive with their new song – listen

Coming from Ohio, Dead Bundy is a pop-punk band that keeps the classic vibes of the genre alive with their music. Dead Bundy is a fairly new group that started turning their gears in 2019, and have made quite the progress since their conception. Dead Bundy has just released their new video for their new song “She Fucks Me” via the Ghost Killer Entertainment YouTube channel. The band set out to capture the vibe and overall hyped energy that pop punk has projected so well in the past with bands like Blink-182, Sum 41, The Offspring, and you can even compare it to the likes of Machine Gun Kelly’s new pop-punk inspired music. Dead Bundy definitely shine some potential in their craft and that’s becoming more and more clearer with each release the band puts out.

New Fury Media