May 16, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Relationships and Self-Confidence: A Brief Story


I founded this website over a year ago because I was passionate about music, sports, and writing. Needless to say, with the help of a great staff, we’ve come a long way. I’m taking a “time-out” to share with you my experience with relationships and self-confidence. Check it out after the jump.

Hi, I’m Bradley, the founder of TNF. Thanks for reading this brief but personal post and insight into self-confidence and relationships.

Some people are afraid of rejection and that’s okay. I used to be a perpetually single bachelor who experienced failure with the opposite sex time and time again. It was honestly hilariously bad attempts at gaining a girl’s attention that made me reevaluate things. I tried all sorts of things to get attention: reinventing myself constantly to try to make other people like me, becoming the opposite of who I ever planned to be, and it’s interesting the compromises one makes to get a girl’s attention. It’s true that you don’t find always find yourself until your 20’s. I surely didn’t.

But I have to say, it was when I was true to myself and I found a calling, that I was most content. And when you’re content and not, well, a beta, people will gravitate to that.

If I had never initiated conversation with my girlfriend, Kayla Fuentes, a few years ago, none of the wonderful things I am experiencing would be happening. I’d be single, alone, and I feel for all these people who have nobody to share their lives with. It makes me genuinely sad that anyone good would go through life not experiencing love.

If you never take a shot, though, you’re ultimately stuck with whatever people initiate interest in you. This isn’t a shot at the people out there who currently stay far away in the proverbial crowd – it’s merely myself saying I’ve been on both sides of the coin, and people are FAR more interested in you when you have both something to say and are passionate about something. Self-esteem and confidence are everything. I mean c’mon, I’m slightly overweight, have really bad social anxiety in large crowds (or small groups, let’s be honest), and I don’t know how to relate to a lot of people or situations. Yet I’ve managed to use my gifts, along with the help of some stellar people, to become what I have today.

I often look at the people who are blessed with more than I am – good looks, intelligence, craftiness, and I wonder how some of them can be so sad in life. I’ve never lived in their shoes so maybe I don’t know.

All I’m saying is, if you’ve got a talent, use it. Use your gifts, lest they became wasted potential.

Thanks for reading this.

New Fury Media