May 2, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Album Review : Kublai Khan – “Nomad”

Kublai Khan have always attempted to be mixed together with heavy doses of hardcore and older metalcore. With their newest release Nomad they come out swinging hard in what is without a doubt their tightest release yet.

From the opening seconds of “Antpile” Kublai Khan show that they’ve truly nailed their heavy hardcore influence down to a tee. Bringing unrelenting heaviness that some bands currently signed to Rise Records may be unfamiliar with.

After “Antpile” it quickly breaks right into “True Fear” and shows how they’ve been able to throw faster mosh parts intertwined with just heavy hardcore down tuned moments to make a perfect mesh. Through the 27 minute run time of the album they also experiment with bits of other metal genres ranging from death metal to nu-metal with what riffs they present listeners.

Just don’t expect much from Nomad other than a in your face assault of heaviness. What is one it’s biggest strengths some could also say is a flaw with the lack of experimentation on Nomad. They do attempt a slower more doomy riffed song to end the album titled “River Walker” but it falls short and ends the album on a bad note almost with how out of place it is.

Overall Nomad shows Kublai Khan at their best right now. With a clear distinct sound that blends together well instead of meshing into one loud song makes this KK’s best produced album as well. With how heavy and relentless the album is it is easy to look past the last track and some generic lyrics because what you get in return is just so much better.

New Fury Media