May 21, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Interview: Evan Daniel Of Orchestrate The End



Recently I caught up with Evan Daniel (Bass) Of Orchestrate The End. OTE is a 5 piece Metalcore/ Post Hardcore act from London. I talked to Evan about the bands future past and present. Get to know this promising band.


Please introduce yourself and what you do in Orchestrate The End?

Hello , My name is Evan Daniel and I am the bassist of Orchestrate The End, I am also a songwriter for the band and chill dude with an afro.


How did Orchestrate The End get started?

Orchestrate The End were formed in August 2013 haling from the mass heap of London, UK. Our vocalist Dante put out an add searching for members to a Metalcore band and he found our original guitarist Tom and then myself. After many practices we finally found our lead guitarist Sebastian after I met him via Facebook.  He covered our song , showed it to his old bands drummer Benjamin , who liked it and decided to join us on our journey and from then on its been smooth sailing. Tom departed from the band and after extensive searching and a management deal in the process , we found our current guitarist Sam and its all going peachy.


If you could sign with any label who would it be and why?

I would have to say , in terms of the band , Rise Records / The Artery Foundation would be a nice home for us as many of their bands and alumni fit our style and pace as a band.


What does the rest of 2014 hold in store for OTE?

Well so far we have extensive gigging up and down the UK , accompanied by a UK tour later down the line. We have the rest of our debut Ep to be finished recording with producer Dan Kerr and music videos to accompany. Then , hopefully there’ll be even more exciting news as 2014 grows older.


Musically who inspires you to make music and why (Go in-depth)?

Well as a band we all have varying influences ranging from Memphis May Fire to Infant Annihilator. So, we all have a varied yet still heavy grasp of how we want our style to flourish. Personally im inspired (as cliché as it may sound) by everyday occurrences that just happen to be around me and whenever I hum out an idea I record it on my phone so I can take it home to record and form into an idea.

I do get inspired by man metalcore bands that are circulating at the moment , Like Moths To Flame have become an amazing influence on me! Their old guitarist (now bassist) Aaron Evans has contributed majorly to that bands sound and growth into popularity , he may not be incredibly technical or super fast but his utilisation of the instruments to create a new rawer , heavier yet still light form of metalcore is astonishing to me , im not even sure why but something about it is just spot on. I would hopefully like to meet him one day and convince him to grow back his afro, as well as let him know hes an idol to me , Haha.


People have been saying the “scene” is dead, what is your take on this?

One thing I hear about London is that the music scene is dying or is dead , I don’t know about many other cities but London has an amazing metal scene going on and a lot of the shows are either pocket money price or FREE yet people still have the urge to criticize it so A message to everyone saying the scene is dead: If it’s dead , Piss off then!


If you could tour with any three bands, who would they be and why?

I think for Orchestrate The End’s style , Issues , Memphis May Fire and Northlane would be amazing to tour with!  Each of these bands strives to bring something new to their genre and have amazing stage presence live , they all seem like chill dudes and would be fun to have a laugh with. For me I would have to choose Circles , Like Moths To Flame and Bless The Fall as each of these bands are amazing in my eyes and heavy enough to get some good moshing going while soft enough to lean back and chill for a second if you want a bretaher.


What message would you like to or do convey to the listener through OTE’s music?

Personally , I would like to instill a faith in the listener that urges them to believe in themselves and grab the target they want , achieve the goals they set and reach the limits they create. As someone whose never had an encouragement in pursuing music its easy to get lost in the learning stage and put yourself down, but the moment you pick yourself up and keep climbing is the moment you’ll be happy.


What would be your favorite venue to play and your least from favorite and why?

My favorite Venue would probably be 02 Arena as it’s a beautiful venue with an amazing capacity and is home to many bands I aspire to be like. Although, if OTE were to get big enough , I think it’d be awesome to play a show at a fans house , back yard party kinda super intimate show would be sick! My least from favorite would probably be Antarctica , I saw Metallica perform there online and it looks like it was a massive hindrance transporting the gear there and performing in such low temperatures , plus it’d be really freaking cold.


New Fury Media