Breaking Benjamin issue major update, have “finished songs” for their upcoming new album

It’s been a while since Breaking Benjamin have released any new music. It’s been four years since the release of Aurora, and you have to go back all the way to 2018 with the release of Ember to find an album of new material from the band. There are many reasons for this, of course – COVID-19 bringing everything to a screeching halt for many artists, the band members’ various side projects, and especially their heavy touring schedule, which makes it difficult to write and record on a consistent basis. However, it appears new music from the band will finally be dropping – and soon.

Guitarists Jasen Rauch and Keith Wallen have spoken. In a new interview with FM99 WNOR (helpfully transcribed by Blabbermouth), they discussed how things are going with their upcoming full-length album:

“We’ve got some stuff in the works,” he said. “We’ve got a lot of music recorded. Ben [BREAKING BENJAMIN frontman Benjamin Burnley] just posted yesterday — he just tracked some vocals for a song. So, yeah, we’re getting there. We move at our own pace here, much to the dismay of a lot of people, I’ve noticed, online. Keith went on to say that there is quite a bit of new BREAKING BENJAMIN material nearly ready to be released. We have songs that are finished, and it’s just gonna be about all the business stuff —interfacing with the label and release schedule, what windows are open, that kind of thing, and then as far as us fitting in those recordings around the tour schedule.”

This is basically the important portion of the interview, but if you want to listen for yourself, head to the link below. It does appear likely that they’ll be releasing new music in some capacity this year, though. And despite not having released new music in years, Breaking Benjamin are doing just fine when it comes to touring, drawing plenty of support just as they always have.

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