On ‘Speak It Into Existence’, Pulses. inject poppy melodies into a unique post-hardcore sound (Review)

With a humongous amount of music releasing at all times, it’s hard for a band to stick with you and achieve that coveted replayability-factor. One such band that has managed that for me is Pulses., a growing post-hardcore effort from Dumfries, Virginia. Self-described as music that’s “mentally post-hardcore smoothed out on the emo tip with…

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Disturbed’s “Down With The Sickness” sees huge surge in sales due to the coronavirus outbreak

Can you feel it? It goes without saying that the coronavirus outbreak has essentially crippled the music and arts industry. Shows, tours, and even major worldwide festivals like Download have been scrapped because of social distancing measures, and while some countries are clearly taking more serious measures than others, the vast majority of musicians are…

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