Interview: Andrew Zink of Akeldama

Akeldama is a 6 piece Metal band from Tampa, FL. I have had the privilege of seeing them live a few times. The musicianship and sound that they bring to the table is one of a kind and very progressive in my eyes. Recently talked with  Andrew Zink (Vocals) and talked to him about Euroblast, Akeldama’s first full length, touring and much more.


The Interview:


Please introduce yourself and how you are involved in music?

I’m Andrew Zink, and I’m the writer/singer of Akeldama.


How did Akeldama get started and how did you guys come up with the name?

It started when I quit my previous band and started writing songs on my own. I released a couple tracks and they started getting attention. After that, I got some close friends together and we started learning the songs. The name actually was sort of an alias I used on forums and video games. So I made a Facebook page using that name and after we released our first demo, it just stuck.


You also do recording and have recorded a lot of solid locals, how did that get started and where would you like to see it go?

I’ve been recording my own bands for years now. A few years ago, I started recording bands that my friends were in for fun and to help out. Now that I’ve gotten a lot better with production/mixing and mastering, I offer my services for really cheap. I actually have a Facebook page called Zink Audio where anyone can contact me for work!


A little while ago Akeldama played Euroblast, how did that go and was there any tour stories that you would like to share?

Euroblast was incredible! And yeah, there’s a ton of stories. Scar Symmetry are the coolest guys ever! My favorite moment was singing along with them on their last song at Euroblast! We all got on stage and finished the last chorus of their track “the Illusionist.” Just about every night on our bus was a big party!


Speaking of Scar Symmetry, you guys just released your track listing for your full length. When can we expect that and can you please tell the readers more about it?

We can’t say right now, but we’re planning the release date. The album is a concept album about two souls who are tied together for eternity through love. The newest single is actually the first track. It’s sets the the stage for everything.


Can you share the track list with us and tell us about the special guests and how it was working with them?









I’ve known Keshav and Ashe for some time now. They’re friends of mine. I just asked them if they would be interested and they both said yes. I didn’t meet Per until the tour but after that, we had discussed it though messages and he wanted to be a part of the album.


If you could sign with any label who would it be and why?

We’re not really fixed on any particular label. It really just depends on who can offer us the best deal. As of right now, we’re doing everything on our own.


Being a DIY band what are some important pointers you would give a band starting out?

Write honest music and build relationships.


If you could tour with any bands, who and why?

Meshuggah because they’re our favorite band. Personally, I’d love to tour with Tesseract and Scar Symmetry once more.


The word is the FL scene is dead or alot of people are saying this, whats your take on this?

It’s not dead. I just think some genres are more popular here than others.


Thanks for talking to us today! In closing, is there anything you would like to add for the readers?

Thanks for the interview! If you haven’t checked out our new single, please do so! Be on the lookout for our new album “Everything Beautiful” coming soon.



Interview By: Tim Morris


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