Interview: Juliet Simms


The thing that most interests me about attending shows as a member of the press, is finding a new story to bring to life. Warped Tour is always a good chance to talk to a diverse roster of bands, from the main stage band that’s rediscovering themselves, to the little band on the tiny stage that, two years from now, will be headlining their own tours.

And then there’s the interesting story of Juliet Simms, who’s been in a well-loved band (Automatic Loveletter), is well known for her stint on NBC’s The Voice, and is now striking out on her own as a solo performer. I won’t spoil the conversation I had with her, but needless to say, she’s had a wild ride in her career, and it’s only going to get better from here.

Get to know more about Juliet Simms, her time on NBC’s The Voice (ignore the part about her working with Gwen Stefani – I honestly didn’t watch the show at all), and what makes her live show so special.

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