May 10, 2024

New Fury Media

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In The Spotlight: Tennessee metalcore newcomers Chamber deliver impressive debut on “Hatred Softly Spoken”

There is a true revolution going on in the hardcore and metalcore underground scenes right now. In a climate where it’s more difficult than ever to make a sustainable living from creating music, bands from all over the globe are defying the odds and even getting nominated for Grammy Awards, which is pretty insane in itself. No matter what your style of metal, hardcore, or rock, there’s plenty of choices – Rolo Tomassi, Vein, Jesus Piece, Conjurer, Svalbard, Boss Keloid, and Knocked Loose all are acts gaining huge traction in their respective scenes. Comprised of anything from post-metal to stoner metal, this is only a short list of the talented bands rising up. You can add Tennessee metalcore newcomers Chamber to the list with their debut EP, Hatred Softly Spoken.

Chamber’s new EP is a 5 song assault on the senses, throwing together industrial tones, early and classic metalcore influences, a hardcore ethos, and even a little death metal influence into something that really marks this as a band to watch. While just under 15 minutes long total, the band makes its mark rather quickly. There’s a strong Sepultura influence on both the EP’s bookending tracks (especially closer “Vessel”), as their groove-laden industrial metalcore attack manages to grab the listen by their throat almost immediately. “Skin”, and the EP as a whole, is instrumentally tight as well, featuring some of the best drumming in the underground now.

Simply put, if you’re a fan of the hardcore and metal underground right now, add Chamber to your watch list. If they can write a full-length record as good as this EP is, you can expect to see them on some much bigger tours in the near future. The future of heavy music certainly isn’t dead, with bands this skilled to carry the torch.

New Fury Media