May 6, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Patient Sixty-Seven lights a flame with their new song – listen!

Australia based metalcore keeps getting about as fierce as the country’s wild life. Patient Sixty-Seven is starting to catch international wind with their heavy hitting metalcore and has been since their debut album “Home Truths”. The band has recently went independent but was signed to InVogue Records before their rebranding. Patient Sixty-Seven re-released their debut EP as a full length album. The Perth based group has just unleashed their fiery of a song “The Ken Burns Effect”. Despite hailing from one of the most isolated cities in the world, the bands polished metalcore sound has proven it’s more than just about where you’re from. The new song builds on aspects Patient Sixty-Seven has started to perfect since their very first release. The last year has seen the band gain massive popularity on streaming platforms such as Spotify by amassing millions of streams. The Australian juggernauts are continuing to expand their sound and reach and “The Ken Burns Effect” helps them achieve that.

New Fury Media