May 12, 2024

New Fury Media

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“I’m not a music snob.” Bec Hollcraft of Stars in Stereo discusses new music, tour life, and Josh Groban


Want a band on the fast track to stardom? Try rock outfit Stars in Stereo. If you’re wanting proof of why they’re on the rise, look at who they’ve toured with. The list is a mile long: Halestorm, Anberlin, Bullet For My Valentine, P.O.D., and many more. You could also look at how their self-titled debut album adeptly balance melodic hooks with a harder rock edge, coming together to create something not easily classifiable.

We did a little interview with vocalist Bec Hollcraft about music, DIY ethics, and much more. Check it out after the jump.

I remember you touring with Anberlin last summer (you just missed my date), how was that experience for you? Did you learn anything from them as a band?

Anberlin was such a good band to tour with. The vibe of their live show is unique in the way they set up the stage and perform their songs, it was exciting to watch. They are very tasteful. Outside of their music, they are also amazing, humble people and easy to be around. The tour in itself was something we had never done before, as it was an acoustic tour. It was a challenge for us in the best way possible and brought me back to my roots. It was raw and emotional and I felt so vulnerable.

One of the things I’ve noticed about Stars In Stereo is that you’re blowing up FAST – Getting on all sorts of big tours. What factors can you attribute that to?

We work our asses off and our live show is extremely important to us. We are always working on finding new ways to improve it as well. We have been fortunate to tour with great bands who believe in us and want to support us by bringing us out on more than one tour. We’ve made a lot of great connections along the way.

You told me recently that you’re in the studio recording new music – what separates the music you’re tracking from your previous, self-titled work?

We really wanted to bring out the high energy of our live show into these new recordings. The songs are coming out heavier than before because that’s just what is inspiring us after being on the road for a year. With every song we write and record, we are all pushing ourselves to a new level.

Are you or the rest of the band big sports fans? If so, who are your teams?

I don’t care for sports. Like, at all. The dudes watch them and get all competitive and I pretty much tone it out. I don’t like when people yell at television screens, it stresses me out. Also I hate huge crowds so actually going to a sporting event is not fun for me. Jordan is a Dallas Cowboys fan for sure and Drew likes a whole bunch of different teams of different sports…I think the LA Kings is one of them.

If I were to browse your music library, who would I be really surprised to find in there?

I listen to all kinds of different music. I’m not a genre snob, I’m just focused on the talent and songwriting. You would be surprised to find Josh Groban I bet. I have a huge soft spot for him, it’s uncontrollable.

If you could have dinner with one living and one dead musician, who would they be and why?

Dead: Jeff Buckley. He has the dreamiest voice I’ve ever heard and I wish I could have seen where else his career would have taken him. His face is dreamy too. I would want to have dinner with tons of living musicians, but Shirley Manson is definitely at the top of the list for me. She’s a huge influence but she also just seems like a good hang.

What are the best and worst things about touring?

It’s mostly best things. It’s such an incredible lifestyle, there’s nothing like it. I feel like I am living life to the fullest when I’m on the road. I am having a new life experience every day and I try to absorb it all and never take it for granted. It’s hard to be away from the other people you love back home, and finding food as a vegan can get aggravating when you’re in a small southern town that things pork isn’t meat.

It’s 90’s month on TheNewFury, so in the spirit of celebrating that fine decade – what’re some of your favorite albums and bands from that decade?

The Garbage self titled album as well as The Tuesdays, Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Sprial, No Doubt: Tragic Kingdom, The Cardigans: Life…the list goes on.

As a vocalist I’d imagine you take your influences from many things and people – who do you look up to the most (as far as vocalists go)?

I look up to Anne Wilson, Steven Tyler, Matthew Bellamy, Cyndi Lauper, Alanis Morissette…all these people have unique and powerful voices that will always be recognizable. I strive to have an identifiable voice.

The album cover can immediately signify an iconic album. What are some of your favorite album covers?

That’s hard for me honestly because I don’t really care about a cover, I care about the music. Maybe that’s bad to say. But sorting through the albums I have, Army of Mushrooms by Infected Mushrooms is a pretty amazing album cover. I love fucked up cartoons. I’m not really a fan of the band being on the album cover, I like it to just be artwork or a concept unless the band is doing something awesome, which they probably aren’t. Black Holes and Revelations by Muse is a pretty great cover as well, and the one that always sticks out in my head is Nirvana’s Nevermind.

What’s your biggest accomplishment as a musician to date?

I would say opening for Blue October really affected me on a deep level. They were a big influence on me and I can’t tell you how many times I would get emotional listening to their albums over and over. I definitely cried watching their shows a couple times while on the road with them. It was surreal.

Do you have any information or shout-outs you’d like to give our viewers while we wrap this up?

Check out our self titled album, our website<>, and get ready for a tour and new album this year!

New Fury Media