May 13, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

DYRE is set to enter the stage with their debut album “A New Sense of Direction” (Review)

DYRE was born in Fort Collins, Colorado with a direction of metalcore formulated with hardcore in mind. The band has unleashed three songs of their upcoming album, but now the time has finally come for the band to enter the stage with their album. DYRE is set to release their debut album “A New Sense of Direction” on March 19th, 2021. What DYRE has done with their album is something that very few bands manage to pull off well anymore, and that’s finding a way to evolve older style metalcore with a fresh approach. DYRE have done that well with the influence of hardcore music as well. The album showcases DYRE in a versatile way with both heavy elements, and the clean vocals that fit well with the song’s melody and atmosphere. What really impressed us about DYRE was how much of a variety of metal is packed into this album, with some parts even leaning towards deathcore. “A New Sense of Direction” was packed full with a few nasty breakdowns that we honestly wasn’t expecting, in a good way of course. Overall we were really impressed with how much we enjoyed “A New Sense of Direction”. Most bands seem to spend their first album playing around with their sound – while DYRE seem to know what they want, and how to execute it. DYRE is a promising band, with great elements in their music that span multiple genres but stays true to itself.

New Fury Media