Machine Gun Kelly is booed again, gets tree branches thrown at him during his set at Aftershock Festival

You probably don’t need much of a recap about Machine Gun Kelly being railroaded by pretty much every rock and metal fan in existence right now. So, we’ll save you the trouble. Here’s the tl;dr version – last month at Riot Fest, he insulted the members of Slipknot while on stage – and a war of words between MGK and Corey Taylor telling us what he thought about the situation ensued. So. Much. Drama.

Anyway, MGK performed at Aftershock Festival last weekend, which had mostly the same lineup of rock and metal bands he’s been touring with on the festival circuit. You can probably guess what happened next. MGK was then apparently pelted with tree branches and empty water bottles while on stage, which you can see in the videos below. It should be noted, however, that not everyone in the crowd was booing MGK – as Rock Feed notes in the video below, he is a successful artist in his own right, comments about Slipknot and the drama aside.

Still, the comments are priceless. The best one has to be from Professor Penne on Youtube, who said “mgk is speed running being blacklisted from every music genre”. Many would agree.

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