May 1, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Slice The Cake Is Back

HUGE news for metal fans. This morning, Slice the Cake announced on their social media accounts that the band is returning after three years of not hearing from them. Coming out of the woodwork ten years ago, the band impressed with stunning experimental deathcore albums like CleansedThe Man With No Face, and Other Slices, before releasing what I consider to be their magnum opus, Odyssey to the West. However, this was a studio band, and never saw a live performance.

That changes in 2020. The group has announced that they are performing at United Kingdom Tech Fest in July, showing up quite high on the bill after this hiatus. I believe they are worthy of that spot, as this is a momentous occasion for the band. Helping with the live act are Harrison White of Novena, Moat Lowe of Novena and Slugdge, and Galen Stapley of Azure. With a lengthy discography, there are several deep cuts I would love to see the band perform, like “Race of Races” and “Promethean”.

Congratulations go out to the band for working out their differences and coming together once again. If you would like to get into the band, I recommend your starting point be the excellent The Man With No Face album, which I have chosen to use as the thumbnail. Similar acts include Within the Ruins, Aversions Crown, and Abiotic. Check out Slice the Cake before their triumphant return in 2020!

New Fury Media