May 5, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

In The Spotlight: Sectioned create walls of massive noise metal on debut full-length, “Annihilated”

Sectioned are not messing about on their debut full-length, Annihilated. The aspect of their sound that is most striking is how their walls of noise overpower the listener with a frighteningly lethal performance. Take the track “Betrayer” for instance. While much of the album can become a blur to the listener, it’s on this track where Sectioned sound positively violent. Perhaps that’s not a surprise, given that Sectioned contains members of Frontierer – whose 2015 album Orange Mathematics also struck a chord in the heavy music community.

Look, we’re really running out of superlatives here. While you can probably compare Sectioned to fellow acts like the excellent Car Bomb and the highly influential Botch, they may have created a new sub-genre of extreme music with their debut full-length right here. As you make your way through the album, you might find that it runs right through you like a fucking freight train. Fans of extreme music of this nature likely would have it no other way.

New Fury Media