Your Ghost In Glass releases debut EP “Objects in Mirror…”

Your Ghost In Glass has officially released their debut EP “Objects In Mirror”. Fronted solely by Cameron McBride, an artist known for his vast discography covering multiple genres, “Objects In Mirror…” comes to cover new ground. This time, taking a nod from the early days of Post-Hardcore. The EP is a throwback to the days when Myspace was the chosen social media, and bands like From First To Last dominated the airwaves of angsty youth. Yearning melodies, and angst-ridden breakdowns set the tone for the emotion of this release, while the contrasting vocal styles amplify the duality. Songs like “Bury Me”, and “Stay Awake” carry the torch for fan favorite sing-a-long sections; Only for those songs to be contrasted by the heavyweights “Last Words”, and “Choke”. Your Ghost In Glass is another statement for the artist, proving again his diverse skill among the spectrum of music.

Listen to the brand new EP below and keep up with the artist on Social Media!


Your Ghost In Glass “Objects In Mirror…”:

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