WWF Sunday Night Heat – Episode 1 (08.02.1998)


Sunday Night Heat

Anaheim, California

Aug. 2nd, 1998


Singles Match
Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee) vs. Edge

What a horrible finish. 

.5 / 5

Six Man Tag Team Match
Darren Drozdov & The Head Bangers (Mosh & Thrasher) vs. Kai En Tai (Dick Togo, Mens Teioh & Sho Funaki)

Shane on commentary is awful. This match was fine I guess. Short and full of nothing. 

1 / 5

WWF European Title Match
D-Lo Brown (c) vs. Ken Shamrock

Not even 3 minutes and ends with a DQ. 

.5 / 5

Tag Team Match
Kane & Mankind vs. The Nation (Owen Hart & The Rock)

A match full of big names that just sort of happened. Nothing really happens here and it drags with its short time even and ends with a lame finish. 

1 / 5

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