Cleveland, Ohio
Aug. 18th, 1996
A fine opener that helped with the crowd being into it. It got better as it went with Owen using his cast to help with the match.
2.5 / 5
This was pretty boring and dragged on.
1 / 5
This had its moments but they kept it short. Some good moves though minus the hold that took too long.
2 / 5
Another one that was slow until its random bursts. Mero got some moves in but lost after debuting his new finisher.
1.5 / 5
Not even a match really. Just awful.
.5 / 5
They tried something different but dear lord was this boring. The Broiler Room stuff was slow, dark, and just so boring and uneventful. Once they got back out it never got much better.
.5 / 5
Shawn is always great at taking a beating and making his return. If this didn’t have so many stops it would have been great. Even with it though the final stretch was such a high note and the crowd was into it.
3.75 / 5