WWF Monday Night Raw – Episode 26 (07.19.1993) (Wrestling Review)


Monday Night Raw

New York City, New York

July 19th, 1993


WWF Intercontinental Title Match
Shawn Michaels (w/Diesel) (c) vs. Marty Jannetty

A great match with an angle that was fresh for the show at this time. The chin lock part could have been shorter but this was still a great match with these two. 

3.25 / 5

Tag Team Match
Men On A Mission (Mabel & Mo) (w/Oscar) vs. Hank Harris & Rich Myers

An insanely sloppy squash. 

.5 / 5

Singles Match
Bastion Booger vs. Scott Despres

Bastian Booger does about 2 moves then mumbles stuff into the camera. How excited. 

.5 / 5

Singles Match
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Chris Duffy

Short and uneventful really. 

.75 / 5

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