Birmingham, Alabama
Jan. 9th, 2023
A decent match with a quicker out of nowhere finish. Corbin hit his finisher but other than that Owens controlled this match.
2.5 / 5
Two veterans here against each other. The cheap finish wasn’t entirely needed since it was against Mia but it works with Bayleys heel role right now.
2 / 5
A dominate match for Rhea mostly but the fans didn’t care much. Sadly Candace isn’t over with the crowd and isn’t used much anyway.
1 / 5
Solo continues to look and be booked as a monster. Ziggler is a legend who doesn’t win much anymore but can sell anything and make whoever he faces look great.
2 / 5
A 50 minute tag team that got better as it went on but had a lot of dead air time. Credits to Priest for wrestling most of this and gimmick Mysterio the cheap win helps him. Crowd went in and out of this match though.
2.75 / 5